Welcome to Valley View Medical Center

Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 8am to 22pm Contact : +260-211-262-062

health promotion and community services

The clinic provides comprehensive Community healthcare services including annual wellness exams and health expo, Nutrition Demonstrations, Covid-19 Vaccination, Child health week, antenatal community check up including sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment.

Comprehensive Community Healthcare Services: What They Are and Why They Matter

Community healthcare services are an essential part of primary health care, which is the first level of contact that individuals, families and communities have with the health system. Primary health care aims at ensuring the highest possible level of health and well-being and their equitable distribution by focusing on people’s needs and preferences as early as possible along the continuum from health promotion and disease prevention to treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care, and as close as feasible to people’s everyday environment


Annual Wellness Exams and Health Expo

Annual wellness exams are preventive visits that allow you to check your overall health status and identify any potential risks or problems that may need further attention. They usually include a physical examination, screening tests, immunizations, counseling, and referrals as needed. Annual wellness exams can help you prevent or delay the onset of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and cancer

Valley View Clinic

Your clinic, Your Choice


Nutrition Demonstrations

Nutrition demonstrations are sessions that show you how to prepare healthy and delicious meals using affordable and accessible ingredients. They can also teach you about the nutritional value of different foods, the benefits of a balanced diet and hygiene. Nutrition demonstrations can help you improve your dietary habits, prevent or manage nutrition-related diseases and enhance your physical and mental well-being

Valley View Clinic

Your clinic, Your Choice


COVID-19 Vaccination

COVID-19 vaccination is one of the most effective ways to protect yourself and others. (COVID-19), which is caused by a new strain of coronavirus that emerged in late 2019. COVID-19 can cause mild to severe respiratory illness, and sometimes complications such as pneumonia or organ failure. COVID-19 vaccination can help you prevent or reduce the severity of COVID-19 infection, lower the risk of transmission to others, and contribute to ending the pandemic

Valley View Clinic

Your clinic, Your Choice

Why Primary Health is Important

Community healthcare services are a vital component of primary health care that can improve your health and well-being and that of your family and community. By accessing these services, you can benefit from comprehensive, integrated, and people-centered care that meets your needs and preferences throughout your life course. You can also contribute to building a healthier and more equitable society for all.

benefits of community healthcare

Improving access to essential health services, especially for marginalized and vulnerable populations
Reducing health inequities and improving health outcomes and Enhancing efficiency and quality of care

Strengthening resilience and preparedness for health emergencies
Promoting social participation and accountability in health

the key community healthcare services that can make a difference in your health and well-being.

Your Clinic Your Choice
General Health Care
Our Facility provides important information about your personal health, help you prevent illness, and provide treatments for any problems or diseases you may have.
Your Clinic Your Choice
General Health Care
Our Facility provides important information about your personal health, help you prevent illness, and provide treatments for any problems or diseases you may have.
Your Clinic Your Choice
General Health Care
Our Facility provides important information about your personal health, help you prevent illness, and provide treatments for any problems or diseases you may have.

Save Up To 100% On Our Special Offer

We have a special offer for you: save on our health promotion for various services Don't miss this opportunity to treat yourself and your loved ones to some quality time and care. Book your appointment today and enjoy the benefits of our health promotion !

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